Please provide 3-4 days/times over the next week for me to reach you. The first time/day should be 2 or 3 business days from now. If I determine that I might be able to assist you, I will send you a time to call me.

Your email should include a brief description of your issue. For example: “This is a business matter; I’m starting a new business and have some questions.” Or, “I’ve been given a commercial lease and need someone to review it.” Or, “I need to know my rights as a partner in a partnership that’s struggling.” Some detail is useful; too much detail is not. Do not send me any documents; I will not open them or review them until and unless we have a formal written agreement in place.

Contacting me does not create an attorney-client relationship, and I do not represent you until we have a written agreement in place. I wish I could return every email and phone call, but I can’t. My occasional lack of reply is not an opinion as to the merits of your matter, but simply a function of my availability. Your case may have a deadline to bring an action or respond to one. Do not delay in seeking counsel if you do not hear back from me.